2022 End of Year Newsletter

The Catalyst President has issued the following message to all Catalyst supporters, summarizing the year and offering best wishes for the new year: With 2022 rapidly drawing to a close, […]

The Plenary Council – Second Assembly

The second (and final) assembly of the Australian Plenary Council has commenced. This assembly will run from Sunday 3 July 2022 to Saturday 9 July and is being held in […]

Plenary Matters

Plenary Matters covers The Plenary Council first assembly, an important gathering of the Catholic Church in Australia which will influence the future of the institution.   Join esteemed Australian broadcaster and […]

Joan Chittister OSB delivers inspiring address to large audience in Sydney

On 31 May 2022 Catalyst for Renewal hosted a forum in Sydney with Joan Chittister osb. For over 30 years Sister Joan has been a passionate advocate for social justice and an outspoken proponent of personal faith and fulfilment. Author of dozens of books on spirituality, this beloved Benedictine nun visited Sydney as part of a speaking tour of Australia.