2023 Eucharistic Reflection review
Catalyst’s last function of 2023 was held at Holy Name of Mary parish hall, Hunters Hill, on 5th November. Members and Friends of Catalyst were invited to gather for a […]
Global Synod Update
Join prominent Australian broadcaster Geraldine Doogue as she follows two big events in the life of the Catholic Church in Australia and worldwide. Australia’s Plenary Council concluded in 2022 but the […]
Geraldine Doogue awarded honorary doctorate
Respected Australian journalist and broadcaster Geraldine Doogue , a foundation member of Catalyst for Renewal, has been awarded an honorary doctorate from Australian Catholic University. After establishing herself as a […]
Catalyst Luncheon with Jon Owen
At the Catalyst Luncheon on October 14, 2023, Jon explained that his work at the Wayside Chapel is influenced by what he and his wife learned while volunteering in Calcutta […]
The James Alison Forum
The James Alison Forum held on 27 September 2023 in St Aloysius’ Great Hall, Kirribilli, attracted an audience which was thoughtful and perceptive. Geraldine Doogue facilitated a conversation lead by […]
Danny Meagher and John Warhurst Reflect on Unity in the Church
Bishop Danny Meagher and Emeritus Professor John Warhurst spoke to an appreciative audience about “The Future of the Catholic Church: Creating Unity through Diversity” at a Q&A in the Crypt […]
Theologian Richard Lennan speaks on God and the Church

On Sunday June 25, Fr Richard Lennan strolled around the stage in the Crypt at St Patrick’s, Church Hill explaining the Theology of Church and how it relates to contemporary […]
Catalyst Congratulates Sr Mary Shanahan rscj on Papal Award
Congratulations to Sr Mary Shanahan RSCJ OAM , a patron of Catalyst for Renewal, on her recent award, presented by the Archbishop of Sydney, His Grace Anthony Fisher OP, of […]
Large Turnout Hears Frank Brennan on the Voice
Over 200 people packed the Crypt of St Patrick’s Church on a wet Sydney afternoon on Sunday, 2 April to hear Fr Frank Brennan sj speak on the subject of […]
2023 New Year Newsletter
The Catalyst President has issued the following message to all Catalyst supporters, previewing our programs for 2023: From Catalyst for Renewal, we send greetings and best wishes for the new […]