Sunday Readings
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – a reflection on the Sunday readings
by Br Julian McDonald cfc Along the way, Jesus asked his disciples: ‘Who do you say I am?” Peter said to him in reply: “You are the Christ.” Jesus began
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – a reflection on the Sunday readings
They brought to Jesus a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged him to lay his hand on him. He took him off by himself, away from the
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – a reflection on the Sunday readings
by Br Julian McDonald cfc “Nothing that enters from outside can defile a person; but the things that come from within are what defile.” Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23 After
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time – a reflection on the Sunday readings
by Br Julian McDonald cfc Joshua said to all the people: “If you will not serve the Lord, choose today whom you wish to serve ,,, As for me and
Twentieth Sunday in ordinary time – a reflection on the Sunday readings
by Br Julian McDonald cfc To the fool Wisdom says: “Come and eat my bread, drink the wine I have prepared! Leave your folly and you will live;” Proverbs 9:
Nineteenth Sunday in ordinary time – a reflection on the Sunday reading
by Br Julian McDonald cfc Elijah went into the wilderness a day’s journey, and sitting under a furze bush, wished he were dead. ‘Lord’, he said, ‘I’ve had enough! Take
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – a reflection on the Sunday readings
by Br Julian McDonald cfc Jesus said to the crowd: “Do not work for food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life…” The people said to
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – a reflection on the Sunday readings
by Br Julian McDonald cfc “There is a boy here who has five barley loves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?” John 6: 1-15 Given
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – a reflection on the Sunday readings
by Br Julian McDonald cfc Jesus said to the Twelve: “You must come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest for a while.” …But people saw them going,