Holy Name of Mary Parish Hall 3 Mary St Hunters Hill NSW          9.30 AM – 12.30 PM

A venture of Catalyst for Renewal
Seeking renewal through conversation

March 4 – Fr Michael Whelan sm
“Vulnerability: Is it possible our vulnerability holds the key to our growth?”

April 1– Sr Michele Connolly rsj
“Present Your Body Holy & Acceptable as a Living Sacrifice to God”. The radically different Christian way of living.

May 6 – Rev Professor Gerard Kelly
“Vatican II: Its Reception after 60 Years”.

June 3 – Catherine Hammond
“Am I Really Who I think I Am? How Do I Define Myself?”

July 1 – Sr Ann Morrison rsj
“Keeping our connection with God open and active”

August 5 – Rev David Ranson
“Synodality – Experience in Sydney and Rome”

September 2 – Fr Michael Kelly osb
“Desert spirituality – Drawing on the Wisdom of early Christian Desert elders”.

October 7 – Sr Carmel Pilcher rsj
“Sunday Eucharist – life support or support for life”