presented by
The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement for 2024-2025 is entitled “Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World”.
In a three-week course, participants will consider the Statement’s treatment of the “triumph of the lie, the erosion of truth and the effects of ‘post-truth’”. These reflections will grapple with the links between truth, trust and peace. The media and the arms trade will feature in the presentation.
The great gifts of Scripture, Papal Encyclicals and Catholic Social Teaching nurture in us a greater understanding of peace, and our essential role in maintaining it, particularly in our region. The scripture passages used in the Statement will be discussed, using Rene Girard’s insights to assist.
The practical suggestions in the Statement emphasise the importance of relationships in the work of building, with Jesus, “the architecture of peace”. In our violent world we have the joy and the responsibility of the Gospel to live and work with others truthfully and peacefully.
To download the Social Justice Statement included in the course click here.
To be held on 2, 9, 16 October 10am-noon Cost: $90
Bring a friend for free if they are a brand new student to TCTB
Please register and pay here
This is an initiative of Catalyst for Renewal
presented by
The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement for 2024-2025 is entitled “Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World”.
In a three-week course, participants will consider the Statement’s treatment of the “triumph of the lie, the erosion of truth and the effects of ‘post-truth’”. These reflections will grapple with the links between truth, trust and peace. The media and the arms trade will feature in the presentation.
The great gifts of Scripture, Papal Encyclicals and Catholic Social Teaching nurture in us a greater understanding of peace, and our essential role in maintaining it, particularly in our region. The scripture passages used in the Statement will be discussed, using Rene Girard’s insights to assist.
The practical suggestions in the Statement emphasise the importance of relationships in the work of building, with Jesus, “the architecture of peace”. In our violent world we have the joy and the responsibility of the Gospel to live and work with others truthfully and peacefully.
To download the Social Justice Statement included in the course click here.
To be held on 2, 9, 16 October 10am-noon Cost: $90
Bring a friend for free if they are a brand new student to TCTB
Please register and pay here
This is an initiative of Catalyst for Renewal
presented by
The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement for 2024-2025 is entitled “Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World”.
In a three-week course, participants will consider the Statement’s treatment of the “triumph of the lie, the erosion of truth and the effects of ‘post-truth’”. These reflections will grapple with the links between truth, trust and peace. The media and the arms trade will feature in the presentation.
The great gifts of Scripture, Papal Encyclicals and Catholic Social Teaching nurture in us a greater understanding of peace, and our essential role in maintaining it, particularly in our region. The scripture passages used in the Statement will be discussed, using Rene Girard’s insights to assist.
The practical suggestions in the Statement emphasise the importance of relationships in the work of building, with Jesus, “the architecture of peace”. In our violent world we have the joy and the responsibility of the Gospel to live and work with others truthfully and peacefully.
To download the Social Justice Statement included in the course click here.
To be held on 2, 9, 16 October 10am-noon Cost: $90
Bring a friend for free if they are a brand new student to TCTB
Please register and pay here
This is an initiative of Catalyst for Renewal